Wednesday 21 November 2012

Serendipity In A Transitional Period

  So, currently I'm sitting in the classroom where my period 4 bio class usually takes place, next to my girlfriend and pondering the reality of everything. I've never felt so alive and I've never been more scared in my entire life! Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared because things aren't going as I desired, in fact, it's the complete opposite; this could easily be the best time of my young life! Like I said, I've never felt so vulnerable yet so adventurous; my future is lining up quite nicely. That being said, there will always be struggles and not everything will come to me as quickly as I may want it to but, nonetheless, I can rest easy in the reassuring eyes of Charlotte, the therapeutic and creative processes of my writing (and hold onto that cause I'll be discussing it after this), and the academic path I pave as I weave my way towards the end of high school, which is actually not that far away... Holy hell...

  Anyways, moving on, November is national novel writing month and I, along with my friend Sharon and my girlfriend Charlotte, are participating! I'm excited to say that I'm already 15018 words into my novel and I look forward to writing more. On that topic, I gave what I have of my novel to my environmental science teacher, Mr. Meyer, and he's going to give it a read and then show it to his daughter, who's a working actress in Toronto and who enjoys writing screenplays; if she likes it, he'll bring her in to sit down and talk with me about the project... who knows, I might be the next Mark Millar when it comes to writing (*cough*Kick-Ass *cough*). It's a great opportunity to share my work with a fellow writer and see what fresh, new angle she can bring to it (if she likes it that is). If you'd like to know more about my novel, I encourage you to head on over to my page on and check it out (although you'll have to make your own account if you want to see mine):

  I suppose saying it's been a crazy start to the year would be an understatement; there's been a mix of good and bad, but the good things look like they'll ultimately outweigh the bad, in the end. Even in the face of any possible negativity, I know how to find the good in things, no matter how silly I may sound doing it; it's something I've always done; it's just the kind of person I am and I can't help it... Alas, I am also a hypocrite in this sense though; I am a very emotional person and am saddened easily (but it seems rather random...the tiniest things that are beyond my control or prevention; or, simply, because of how much I've seen happen in the past year). Luckily though, I have been given reason not to be sad now that I am with Charlotte... maybe because I have less time to be alone and think about sad stuff. Jeez... It's only now that I finally realize how depressing I truly was for a few months there; from the end of July through September, I really just didn't know where anything was going anymore. I'm happy though. Happy because I have my first (and hopefully last and only) true love (and she feels the same way. Hi, Blog-i-sphere :) - Charlotte). 

  On a slightly related note, Charlotte and I saw the film Cloud Atlas (based on the book by David Mitchell) and I must say... It was simply superb! Everything about this film is truly astounding, with amazing performances from every actor and actress. Anyways, I won't get into it too much, as I plan on reviewing that film, and Skyfall, in a separate post. I have to sign off now, as I just picked this entry up after leaving it as a draft for about a week (my bad); I will return to write my reviews and maybe some extra entries later this week (probably the weekend). This is the Fro, signing off! Stay Classy, dear readers.

- Btw, if you haven't seen it yet, watch the new GTA V trailer. You won't be sorry...