Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Soon, I Will Be Drunk!

   What can I say? Other than the fact that Hairspray is definitely making up most of my life at this point, I've still found the time to sit down and add a new blog entry; it seemed like an impossible task (to a procrastinator like me, that is). Then again, I reveled in the fact that, here, I can write about anything (well, almost anything) and, as a writer, that kind of freedom from plot structure can really make you relax and let the words type themselves. Zippity Zobbitty Boop Bop. In those few words, I have described to you, the reader, how my entire day has felt. It's been a constant mixture of highs and lows, contemplation and waiting, and exciting new opportunities for me to grasp. I have to admit, it probably didn't help that I took some Nyquil last night, cause I spent the entire morning still feeling the effects of it (I almost feel asleep in the auditorium for heaven's sake)! Nonetheless, the day went pretty well; the only thing that really happened was Phil collapsing from exhaustion in BMT Vocal class today... Yeah, that was kind of scary; luckily, though, he's alright now. 

   Anyways, today I started working on the dance for "Run and Tell That" from Hairspray and Sharon and Matt were there in support as usual; somehow their combined presence made me feel just a little more comfortable being in the dance studio again (I'm a bit of a "fish out of water" there, considering I'm not much of a dancer). I don't do much dancing anyways so I was pretty happy, although it did seem like a waste of a lunch period to go down there just to know that I'd be sitting on a table for the entire number. We have a big dance rehearsal coming up tomorrow night and I'm hoping Iddy changes my part in "Run and Tell That" so that we can get off the table and do some more physical stuff. I've really been slipping into the dancing process since we began rehearsing everyday (although I can't say that I'm feeling good about performing just two weeks from now). On that note, I performed a solo today in choir (first time) and it went over really well; I was one of the top two auditionees for solo, so all-in-all I'd say I must of sounded pretty well too! 

    I'll leave off today on the note that I may not be able to post another entry until Friday night and, after that, not until Sunday. If I'm near the computer, I'll throw another one up and keep y'all updated; if not, well you're all screwed... Just kidding. I've got a party I'm going to on Saturday night and, I'm not gonna lie, there are going to be a lot of girls, a lot of alcohol, and a whole lot of this guy getting his party on!!!! So, if my post on Sunday seems to be a bit melancholy it'll probably be because I have a hangover or endured some sort of sexual escapade (or maybe I'll leave out the latter). The point is that I may post or I may not; just know that if I don't post it's not because I'm dead or in some random location in a completely different country. 

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