Sunday, 27 May 2012

3 Roses, 2 Exes, and 1 Truth

I'll always know what I want; and I'll always want what I can't have. 

  Considering the fact I just came from a cast party that resulted in me staying out all night, witnessing two of my friends react to acid (no, I didn't take any), and sleeping over at one of the cast members' houses, you'd think I'd have nothing but awesome things to write but, truthfully, it all feels quite bittersweet. I spent the entire night playing "Mr. Third-Wheel" while one of my friends (whose name I won't mention) spent the entire night trying to make-out with one of the wardrobe girls from our Hairspray production; they did eventually end up making out, but it turned out not to be worth it as my friend has no intention of actually being with this girl (he's not very interested at all). I also spent the entire night with my stage makeup still on and I didn't end up getting a chance to wash it off until just an hour ago when I came home. Even more than all of that, I spent the first half of the night texting my ex-ex-girlfriend who told me she would "jump on the chance" to date me again if she wasn't already currently in a relationship and, when I responded with a happy face, she inquired how I felt about her ("you're friend-zoned... which sucks... but if you get it off your chest it might help") and then I indulged in what seemed like a fruitless conversation about how much I miss her (which I didn't outright say but I think there was definitely that underlying implication). 
A somewhat accurate portrait of my ex-ex-girlfriend. Btw, I did not draw this picture. 

  Y'know it doesn't help that my ex-ex-ex- girlfriend wants to date me again either; I really have no interest in her beyond being friends at this point, and my friend Danielle Harris wants me and my ex-ex-ex to hookup which is just a teenie bit of pressure. Meanwhile, in BMT, I wrote Emma Heidenheim a "warm fuzzy" (which is basically a little note with a compliment in it) with my number in it because I really like her and I thought it'd be a good idea. NOW, I'm almost certain it was a horrible idea and I'm going to take it back (well, rip the number off of it anyways). There's also another girl in our class who keeps leading me, Zach, and Gonzalo all on; Gonzalo says he wants to be the first one out of all of us to make a move, but I'm really thinking I might just go for it before he gets the chance... Then again, I've never exactly been the "best" at move-making, but BMT has really opened up my social life and I've learned a lot from the advice and teachings of Zach and also Gonzalo (oh, the irony). Nonetheless, I haven't entirely been sure of my own feelings considering how many girls have suddenly entered my social life, and I certainly haven't found a way to decide who I should pursue (or if I should pursue at all)! All in all, my love life continues to get extremely complicated (refer to the sub-heading at the top for further info) while my social life blooms... ^_^ 

Optimism is, and always will be, key. 

  Anyways, last night was the semi-closing night of Hairspray ("semi" because we have a bonus show to perform on June 1st) and I can honestly say that I'm very proud of my work and all of my achievements this year. Finally, after much anticipation, my family got to see Hairspray on Friday night and it felt great to have lots of love and support in the audience (from people I knew and loved); they enjoyed the show and I had so much fun performing for them! I have to say that, despite my romantic troubles and the many stressful aspects of being in a musical, I'm having a lot of fun, meeting so many new people, partying out, and learning so much from every experience that I'm very grateful to have my life. It's definitely become a really emotional time in my life and I just keep trying to stay as optimistic as possible despite the obstacles that may stand in my path! 
BMT's production of Hairspray; Run and Tell That. 

  I think I'll conclude today by writing that Insanity's Bride is really starting to develop and I'm happy to be working with such wonderful people as Matt and Sharon. I'd also like to add that I am currently procrastinating in regards to an English project I should be doing right now... but that's just how I am. Anywho, this is The Fro signing off so, until next time, keep your hair and your optimism high; life is grand as long as you believe! 


Saturday, 19 May 2012


  Well, to say it's be a usual few weeks since I last posted would be a complete understatement. Over the past two weeks, my life has consisted of being sick, performing Hairspray for Beal and a slew of public schools, and what went from being some of the most stressful experiences of my life to experiences I now appreciate and have grown from significantly. I've actually accomplished quite a bit over the amount of time I've spent away from this blog; there hasn't been a single moment where I haven't been busy or too tired to do anything but sit around or sleep until now. I can honestly say that I've never been prouder of myself than I am at the moment because I realized just how lucky I am to have the life, the friends, the family, and the opportunities that I do as a human being. Hairspray has become a stepping stone to the future that I'm working towards and, although I write about it every time I make an entry, I can't stress enough the fact that I'm so appreciative of the opportunity I've been given as a performer and as a student.  The only thing that would make all of this better would be if I wasn't sick right now... I digress...

Beal Musical Theatre's production of Hairspray!!!! (left to right) Nate Crocker (Edna), Kelsey Falconer (Tracy),      Austin Campbell (me, Gilbert), Olivia Sinclair-Brisbane (Motormouth Maybelle), Greg Eadie (Seaweed), Vanessa Johnston (Lil' Inez) 

  It's the long weekend!!! I'll be having Shawn over tonight which should prove to be as interesting as always; we always find a way to have a good time, and we always talk about the usual stuff: girls, games, movies, girls, craziness, politics... Girls. As per usual whenever Shawn comes over, we'll be sitting down for at least an hour of Battlefield 3 unless he actually changes his mind about it for once (maybe I ought to choose a different game for us to play more often... one that's actually multiplayer)! I was hoping that I could also use this long weekend to catch up on my Reading Contract for English class; I've been reading The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger by Stephen King (hmmm... I wonder what other secrets lie within' the mind of Roland the Gunslinger). Truthfully, I really want to start working on my script for a series I'm doing with my friends Clark and Jordan; plus, I'm interested in writing some songs for Insanity's Bride and I also want to go over the plot with Sharon because I need to get a handle on it and start mulling around some ideas with the team before I move forward and begin actually writing anything. My project with Clark and Jordan can wait until later in the summer, while I'm not entirely sure about Insanity's Bride considering Matt is heading off to Western University next year (man... he's old)!

  Moving on, I just saw The Avengers last night and, I must say, wow... Just wow; the film was truly stunning for such a simple concept and I really think Joss Whedon proved a worthy director of such sacred source material. While the opening of the film was a little slow, the conflict within' the team was fascinating as soon as Thor arrived! Also, I think that Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson really won me over as Hawkeye and Black Widow, respectively. **SPOILER ALERT** When Tony Stark took that nuke into space at the end, I was completely and utterly blown away by the scale of the film and how intense it had all gotten; along with that, the scene with Thanos at the end was killer! Honestly, I can't wait until Iron Man 3 and Captain America 2, cause The Avengers leaves you wanting more from every single character that graces the screen (including Mark Ruffalo, who portrayed a near-perfect Bruce Banner/Hulk)! If you haven't guessed already, I'm a bit of a comicbookmovie geek!!!

  Anyways, that's pretty much all for me right now; I'll update you on the progress of my projects and stuff when they come to fruition but, until then, this is The Fro signing off...

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Soon, I Will Be Drunk!

   What can I say? Other than the fact that Hairspray is definitely making up most of my life at this point, I've still found the time to sit down and add a new blog entry; it seemed like an impossible task (to a procrastinator like me, that is). Then again, I reveled in the fact that, here, I can write about anything (well, almost anything) and, as a writer, that kind of freedom from plot structure can really make you relax and let the words type themselves. Zippity Zobbitty Boop Bop. In those few words, I have described to you, the reader, how my entire day has felt. It's been a constant mixture of highs and lows, contemplation and waiting, and exciting new opportunities for me to grasp. I have to admit, it probably didn't help that I took some Nyquil last night, cause I spent the entire morning still feeling the effects of it (I almost feel asleep in the auditorium for heaven's sake)! Nonetheless, the day went pretty well; the only thing that really happened was Phil collapsing from exhaustion in BMT Vocal class today... Yeah, that was kind of scary; luckily, though, he's alright now. 

   Anyways, today I started working on the dance for "Run and Tell That" from Hairspray and Sharon and Matt were there in support as usual; somehow their combined presence made me feel just a little more comfortable being in the dance studio again (I'm a bit of a "fish out of water" there, considering I'm not much of a dancer). I don't do much dancing anyways so I was pretty happy, although it did seem like a waste of a lunch period to go down there just to know that I'd be sitting on a table for the entire number. We have a big dance rehearsal coming up tomorrow night and I'm hoping Iddy changes my part in "Run and Tell That" so that we can get off the table and do some more physical stuff. I've really been slipping into the dancing process since we began rehearsing everyday (although I can't say that I'm feeling good about performing just two weeks from now). On that note, I performed a solo today in choir (first time) and it went over really well; I was one of the top two auditionees for solo, so all-in-all I'd say I must of sounded pretty well too! 

    I'll leave off today on the note that I may not be able to post another entry until Friday night and, after that, not until Sunday. If I'm near the computer, I'll throw another one up and keep y'all updated; if not, well you're all screwed... Just kidding. I've got a party I'm going to on Saturday night and, I'm not gonna lie, there are going to be a lot of girls, a lot of alcohol, and a whole lot of this guy getting his party on!!!! So, if my post on Sunday seems to be a bit melancholy it'll probably be because I have a hangover or endured some sort of sexual escapade (or maybe I'll leave out the latter). The point is that I may post or I may not; just know that if I don't post it's not because I'm dead or in some random location in a completely different country.